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As far back as I can remember,

I’ve loved art.

My first memory is sitting at the kitchen table, with a paintbrush and a cup of water, “painting,” magic colors coming off the page.

Why did you go back to it?

What kept you hungry for it or nourished by it?

I felt art nourished my creativity and imagination. I would escape life’s chaos while immersed in art.

I eventually studied with renowned artist, Mary Jo Van Dell.

I’ve since fallen in love with helping others discover who they are through art. Now I work with visionaries to evoke their dreams and bigger visions.

When we work together, people access a deeper truth about who they are; it becomes a profound experience as we create a piece of art that is as original as you.

What Visionary Leaders Are Saying


“Linda Rasch is a world-class artist, who teaches people how to tap into their creativity and use their imagination to open up their vision to bigger dreams.”

Maya Marcia Wieder, CEO and Founder of Dream University,

“Linda will masterfully guide you to deeper levels of connection with yourself, your creative power, and your dreams — through art.”

Devora Yellin Fish, CEO and Founder of Up In The Chair℠, Llc

“Linda took me through her process of "finding your WHY". Her process helped me uncover some core truths about who I am, what fills me up, and how to infuse my WHY into everything I do.”

Vikas Narula, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Facilitator, Blogger